Genesis 2:17 teaches us that God told Adam, not to eat from the “.. tree of the knowledge of good and evil,…” God tells them they will die, however when they later eat from it we note they don’t physically die rather suffer a spiritual death and separation from God. Adam and Eve had only […]
Archive for July, 2018
Seek Heaven

All those that believe and receive salvation have been “risen with Christ (Col. 3:1)”. But, what does that mean? It means that we have been “born again (John 3:3)”. To be born again means you have received Jesus as the gift from Heaven and Lord of your salvation. You, have trusted in the gift of […]
Jesus Will Come Back!

Acts 1:10-11 teaches us that Jesus after his Resurrection went back up into Heaven. We learn that Jesus will come back down from Heaven just as He had went up into Heaven. He will come again. Jesus will come unexpectedly the Bible uses the metaphor of saying He will come, “Like a thief in the […]