Romans 1: Paul speaks a message of desire to visit his fellow brethren in Rome he then teaches us that the just shall live by faith and that we should not be ashamed of the gospel because it brings salvation to everyone. Paul speaks that he has been prevented at times from coming to them […]
Archive for April, 2018
Romans 2

Romans 2: Paul talks about God’s judgment being revealed and that God will pour out His anger upon those that are profoundly wicked and he will give eternal life to those that are doing good. However, there is trouble that’ll come for those who do evil and that the Gentiles (those who are not Jews […]
Lord Gives Strength

We need to all count on the Lord every day for renewed strength. For God is powerful, and if our hearts are receptive to His message He will strengthen and guide us. God is even faithful when we are not, when we are faithful and put our trust in God, He is even more faithful. […]
John 3:16-19

Many people know John 3:16 and a lot of us could quote it, and the fact God sent His son to allow us through faith in Him to have eternal life. However, many of us forget the next few verses the fact is Jesus Christ came to save us from condemnation and give us eternal […]
Does God ordain evil?

We often have heard it said that God is responsible for evil. However, that is not the case. God has created us with the moral capacity to do both good and evil. If, God forced us to do all good then he would not be a good God. God loves us and allows us to […]