In Titus chapter 2 verse 12 we learn the consistent message of the Bible that we should live honorably and as best we can in this present world. So what does this mean? Well, to me it means responding out of gratitude for all that Christ has done for us. Which I think would be helping others, being kind to everyone as much as possible, abstaining from sexual immorality and the things which bind us. We should live as people that are liberated in Christ Jesus. This by no means means that we earn our salvation it is just rather our response with joy and thankfulness for what Christ did on the cross for us. We know that every sin we have committed is covered through the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross. We should also know that Christ continues to cover our sins and that Christ is the image of the invisible God (Colossians 1:15) and the living Savior and Redeemer of the world (John 3:16). I personally am thankful that Christ died for me and died for everyone that trust in him so that we all can someday return to live with God. This is a message that I respond to you with great joy and I think we all should for what Christ did we have been reconciled with God.
Titus – Morality